
Virginia divorce complaint

If you have already gotten a copy of our free Virginia divorce book, “What Every Virginia Woman Needs to Know About Divorce,” you’ve seen the Virginia divorce complaint I’ve copied here below. If you HAVEN’T gotten a copy of our free Virginia divorce book yet, you should go ahead and request one now (you can...

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Virginia Spousal Support Factors

When spousal support is an issue (and it often is), there are three possible issues: first, whether spousal support should be awarded at all; second, if so, then how long should the award of spousal support be expected to continue; and, third, if so, how much spousal support should the recipient spouse expect to receive....

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When most attorneys talk about divorce, they give the impression that there are all sorts of different “types” of divorce—negotiation, collaboration, mediation, litigation—but the reality is that there are really only three real choices. You either (1) negotiate your divorce by signing a separation agreement and decide for yourself how your things will be divided,...

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On our website, we talk about the five biggest red flags we see pre divorce. Hopefully, your divorce is off to a great start, you and your soon to be ex husband are communicating effectively, and you’ll never have to worry about what a red flag is and what will happen if you see one....

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Separated and Divorcing in Virginia

If you’re wondering whether it’s possible to save your marriage or it’s really just time to end it, you’ve probably already given some thought to a legal separation. Being separated, after all, doesn’t officially mean things are ending, but it does mean that both you and your husband can take some time to really think...

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Sometimes, my job isn’t fun, because sometimes I have to tell people things that they don’t want to hear. I like to give only good answers that make people (women specifically) feel happy and hopeful. That isn’t always possible, though. Sometimes, there aren’t great, exciting, happy, hopeful answers to give. And part of me doing...

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Custody Seminar for Virginia Moms

A Virginia child custody case is one of the most difficult, emotionally draining, and time intensive cases you could face in the Virginia court system. Virginia child custody cases are also often among the most expensive (I’m sorry, but it’s true), which can be a terrifying proposition for a mom. Almost everyone has a limited...

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Today, we’re going to discuss an email exchange that I had the other day with a prospective client. Here’s the question she sent me: Question: I have consulted with another attorney a few times, and she reviewed a property settlement agreement that my husband presented me with before I moved out (on his urging) in...

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