Monthly Archive: December 2013

Child Support for Special Needs Children

Sheera Herrell is one of our attorneys at Hofheimer Family Law, and one of her biggest concerns is child support for special needs children. In fact, her article, “Child Support for the ‘Emancipated’ Special Needs Child,” written along with Nathan J. Olson, was published this year in a number of reputable publications, including Family Law...

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Until you need a root canal, you probably don’t pay a lot of attention to commercials or advertisements from dentists. Until you’re in the market for a new car, you’re probably using your DVR to fast forward through all of the advertisements from the local car dealerships. Likewise, until you’re interested in an attorney, you...

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It always amazes me how quickly the time passes between one year and the next. We've had a great year, and we're hoping that 2014 will bring even more joy, hope, and happiness to the lives of everyone around us. Here's hoping you have a very safe and happy holiday season, including a merry Christmas...

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If you and your husband are facing a divorce, you’re probably nervous about sharing the children by a certain schedule. In fact, if you’re like most moms, you’re unwilling to reduce parenthood to a specific schedule. “We’ll just work together and figure it all out,” they tell me, optimistically. “A set schedule is just too...

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In any divorce, there are unexpected losses. With almost every single woman I’ve ever talked to about the realities of post-divorce life, they have indicated that there was something that was particularly difficult about their divorce that took them completely by surprise. For almost all of these women, the unanticipated but difficult event had something...

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Choosing an attorney to represent you in your divorce can be a difficult undertaking. Sitting in a meeting with an insurance salesman the other day, I started to appreciate how my clients must feel when they’re sitting in my office. I like to think that I speak clearly and that my clients understand exactly what...

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A marriage should make you happy. Maybe not all day every day, but, for the most part, you should feel like you and your husband are co-captains of the same team. You’re linked in terms of your common interests and goals and, on top of all that, you love and respect each other. If you’re...

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One of the most difficult things about custody cases is dealing with the Guardian ad Litem. A Guardian ad Litem (or GAL) is an attorney appointed to represent the best interests of the child to the court. So, in many custody cases, there are three, not two, attorneys involved—one for mom, one for dad, and...

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