Our Reputation

Though we can't guarantee results, and every case is different, we've had some pretty happy clients over the years!

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I learned so much during our meeting

Sheera had multiple ideas to get me where I want to be. She is smart and quick and really listened. I was disappointed that she can’t represent me in court because I live too far away. I hope that getting served with a complaint will motivate my husband to negotiate with me a property settlement agreement. I learned a lot during that hour even though I had read all your informational resources.

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From our attorneys you’ll learn:

How SBP, TSP, BAH, and other military specific things are handled in your divorce.

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From our attorneys you’ll learn:

How law like the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and the Post-911 GI Bill can affect your divorce

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From our attorneys you’ll learn:

What financial documents you’ll need (like that LES statement)

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From our attorneys you’ll learn:

How property is divided

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From our attorneys you’ll learn:

How custody and visitation are handled (especially in cases where there may be a deployment or a change in permanent duty station)

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From our attorneys you’ll learn:

Step by step information about how military divorce in Virginia is handled

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From our attorneys you’ll learn:

What happens to your military health insurance and other benefits