From our attorneys, you’ll learn:
How military pensions are divided in Virginia (and whether you’ll get any)
Though we can't guarantee results, and every case is different, we've had some pretty happy clients over the years!
From our attorneys, you’ll learn:
How military pensions are divided in Virginia (and whether you’ll get any)
From our attorneys, you’ll learn:
How to work with your attorney, guardian ad litem, and custody evaluator on your case.
From our attorneys, you’ll learn:
What you need to know if you choose to represent yourself, and what to expect in a custody case.
From our attorneys, you’ll learn:
About different alternatives to litigation that can help you avoid having a knock down drag out fight in court.
From our attorneys, you’ll learn:
How different special issues (like breastfeeding, same-sex relationships, homeschooling, abuse, relocation, and special needs children) affect custody determinations.
From our attorneys, you’ll learn:
How custody orders are entered and modified.
From our attorneys, you’ll learn:
All about the 10 critical statutory factors that the court MUST consider (and you must address) in your custody case.
From our attorneys, you’ll learn:
How support, custody, and visitation are handled in divorce cases in the circuit court, and how support, custody, and visitation are handled in stand alone cases in the juvenile and domestic relations district court when no divorce action is pending.