
Same Home Separation

The questions whether and how long you’ll need to be separated to get a divorce in Virginia are well settled, easy, and very, very clear. In case you’re new to the game, in Virginia you have to be separated for a full year whether you’re using fault or no fault grounds (with the exception of...

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What is cohabitation? Am I cohabiting?

Cohabitation is a key component of legal separation in Virginia. For a lot of reasons – chief among them being the fact that separation is a sort of loosey goosey concept here in Virginia – we get lots of questions about separation. When are you separated? Am I separated? Do we have to sign something to...

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Reconciliation and Divorce

Some marriages have been over for years before the Mrs. sets foot in our office. Others—well, let’s just say they’re a little more up in the air. Some women come in just wanting a little more information about what might happen if things start heading towards divorce. Others try marriage counseling first, and only come...

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Can I date now that I’m separated?

Some women swear that, after divorce, they’ll never date again. Others seem to find love again quickly and easily without really trying. Whatever your feelings are regarding love and relationships after divorce (though I can tell you that, statistically, you will find love again), you should also know that, before divorce, there are some issues....

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Are we separated if he sleeps on the couch?

Separation in Virginia, like most everywhere else, is often the first step towards divorce. But a lot of women are often confused about what it means to separate or be legally separated in Virginia. What’s required? How do you have to change your behavior? Is there any paperwork that goes along with a legal separation?...

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Separation and Marital Agreements in Virginia

There’s no such thing as “one size fits all” when it comes to marriage and divorce. That’s why there are so many different solutions to whatever might be going wrong in your particular case—and it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re headed for divorce. I know. You’re probably thinking, “WHAT?! Why would a divorce attorney tell...

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He Drafted a Separation Agreement. Now What?

These days, it is probably safe to say that most people get divorced with a separation agreement. And that’s a good thing! That means that (though it may not have been the easiest thing in the world to do) they aren’t wasting time and money fighting over things in court. When you negotiate a separation...

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“I want a legal separation. How much will that cost?” It’s a common question, and I definitely understand why. For any couples who are on their way to a full fledged divorce in Virginia, a separation is the first stop. Divorce is one of those areas of law where things vary dramatically from state to...

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