Not all Narcissists Make Divorce Awful

Not all Narcissists Make Divorce Awful

I know, I know.  If you’re married to a narcissist – whether diagnosed or undiagnosed – you KNOW how miserable they can make life.  And, if left to their own devices, they’d probably love to make divorce difficult, too. After all, if there’s one thing a narcissist (or a high conflict person or an abusive...

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Can I move out of the marital home?

Remember the ending scene in When Harry Met Sally?  Harry realizes he loves Sally and wants to be with her, and he says, “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” It’s kind of like that...

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Hey, it’s okay!  If you only recently got married, and you’ve started to think that maybe it was a mistake, I can tell you that you’re definitely not alone.  In fact, I think you’re one of the luckier ones.  After a year or less, there’s often very little to divide, and no one is so...

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I was giving one of our monthly divorce seminars a little while back when a woman used the Q&A function on Zoom to send me a question anonymously. (She didn’t need to do it anonymously; none of our attendees can see who else is in attendance, and only the presenter can see the name of...

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Divorce and Suicide

  There are just some conversations that are difficult to have, and this one is a good example. I talk about divorce every single day, and, somehow, that never really gets to me. I have a fundamental belief that there’s no reason to stay in an unsuccessful, unhappy, unfulfilling, and/or abusive marriage. That, for me,...

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Virginia SAHM Facing Divorce

Divorce is scary for anyone under any circumstances, but it’s especially scary as a stay at home mom (SAHM) who hasn’t worked outside of the home in a while. While I think we can all recognize that being a stay at home mom is work – in many ways, the hardest work! – the fact...

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In many cases, it’s not necessary to use fault based grounds for divorce. After all, if you file on fault, you’ll have to litigate to prove to the judge that your grounds exist. Because, depending on the grounds, different civil and criminal penalties apply, you’ll have to meet a specific burden of proof, and that...

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How long does a Virginia divorce take?

If you’re searching for an answer to the question “How long does a divorce take?” or “How long does it take to get a divorce in Virginia?”, chances are pretty good that you want it to be over with as soon as possible. Am I right? I get this question all the time. It’s certainly...

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