In most cases, both parents will have the opportunity to have uninterrupted, unsupervised parenting time with their minor children, whether by agreement between the parties or by court order. In extreme cases, though, it is possible that the court would order one party or the other to have supervised visitation. This will usually be in...
What does supervised visitation mean?
The legal process is not at all intuitive, so if you’re wondering what to expect – well, that makes a lot of sense. Custody cases are some of the more challenging cases to navigate, too, because they’re handled in juvenile and domestic relations district courts, which – if you’ve had any run ins with the...
There are many different ways that your child’s other parent can try to push the envelope by making you responsible for things that, really, you shouldn’t be solely responsible for if they’re an active and responsible coparent. Extracurriculars are often one of those things. But how do you know if your question is one that...
Navigating coparenting can seem impossible, especially if your ex-partner is particularly difficult. It’s hard not to second guess yourself and to wonder whether, in this or that situation, you have a leg to stand on. You may not have a sense, either, of what a court would do and, in any case, is may not...
Coparenting is not easy. No one ever said it was. And, to make matters worse, parenting isn’t easy, either, so not only do you have an already difficult job – parenting your child – you also add on top of that the fact that you and your child’s father are not necessarily on the same...
It’s hard enough to be a parent in modern times; it’s even harder when you add in the difficulty associated with trying to be a collaborative coparent with your ex. Even in otherwise happy marriages, moms and dads disagree about what is best for their kids. In a situation where mom and dad are...
One of the biggest risk factors for women in divorce is the fact that, statistically speaking, they are the lesser wage earners. This means that, in many cases, many of the most valuable assets are largely controlled by the husband – including, but not limited to, any real estate, retirement accounts, bank accounts, and...
Things can be especially tricky in that gray area between separation and the time that you and your soon-to-be ex are able to get a signed agreement or court order in place. Until that time – when you either negotiate and sign an agreement or go to court and the judge puts an order in...