I just want to get out of my bad marriage – help!

  One of the biggest risk factors for women in divorce is the fact that, statistically speaking, they are the lesser wage earners.  This means that, in many cases, many of the most valuable assets are largely controlled by the husband – including, but not limited to, any real estate, retirement accounts, bank accounts, and...

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Your Boundaries and Virginia Divorce

Boundaries are a hard thing for women everywhere. There are a million reasons, but I think that most of us feel essentially required to take care of the feelings of everyone around us. The feeling that we’ve disappointed someone is almost physically painful, and we take a lot of abuse – we’re programmed, in a...

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It’s hard to explain to family and friends that your marriage is over. Probably, even though they may have seen some of the less attractive sides of your relationship, you’ve still gone above and beyond NOT to let them see him in a terrible light. Probably, in many ways, they’ve accepted him as one of...

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