What is a retainer in Virginia divorce?

What is a retainer in Virginia divorce?

We get a lot of questions about the cost of divorce, pro bono work, attorney’s fees (like, can I make him pay mine?) and so much more. We find that there’s a lot of confusion about how attorney’s charge for their work and what it actually costs. That’s probably for a lot of reasons. I...

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Virginia Custody Retainer

We get lots of frantic inquiries from women about pro bono divorce and custody services – something we really don’t offer (and, frankly, that no other law firm that I’m aware of really does offer, either). Pro bono is a hard thing, for a lot of reasons. Cases are expensive and time consuming; we really...

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Here we are again – talking about attorney’s fees. It’s really one of the biggest issues, because everyone wants an attorney, but no one wants to pay what it costs. In almost ever case I’ve ever worked on, there has been a point where my client has asked me what she needs to do to...

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How does a retainer work in a divorce case?

Some of the most frequently asked questions we get are about money, and how it all works when you hire a divorce lawyer. It’s a little extra confusing because different attorneys handle money differently, so, if you’re not already fairly familiar with how law firms do things, it can look a little wonky. There are...

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Negotiating a separation agreement

A client of mine, who had retained me to help her draft a separation agreement, forwarded me the draft separation agreement that her husband had prepared while we were working on ours, with the caption “Things just got ugly.” I was confused – after all, I was retained to prepare a separation agreement, much like...

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Ballpark Virginia Custody Case Fees

Everyone (and I do mean everyone) wants us to give them just a “ballpark” figure for how much their case might cost. In some cases, that’s an easier thing to do than others. But, even so, costs can be a difficult thing to estimate. There are a lot of variables involved. There are a lot...

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