Continuances in Virginia Divorce

Continuances in Virginia Divorce

Divorce is inconvenient.  And, sometimes, depending on the circumstances, it can also take a really long time.  There are often delays that we can help.  In other cases, it’s our side who is responsible for the delays, for any number of reasons.  Continuances happen in Virginia divorce – they just do.  Whether we ask for...

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Text Messaging and Divorce

Having everything available digitally makes some parts of the divorce process more difficult and makes other parts easier.  Most of the time, it just makes things more time consuming, as more and more clients bring in pages upon pages of text messages and pictures that they’ve saved in the hopes that they will prove “important”...

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Preparing for a Custody Trial

Trials are tough. They’re really intimidating and, at the end of the day, it’s really hard to know how the cookie is going to crumble, so to speak. There’s a lot of risk inherent in leaving everything (especially when “everything” is as important as custody of your children!) up to a judge—the one person in...

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