Drug or Alcohol Use in My Virginia Custody Case

Drug or Alcohol Use in My Virginia Custody Case

Drug or alcohol use can pose problems in a Virginia child custody case, as you can probably pretty well imagine. Judges – who are notoriously conservative, especially in Virginia, and especially when it comes to things like drug use – don’t like it. In Virginia (as in pretty much everywhere), custody cases always comes down...

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Moms Versus Dads in Virginia Custody Cases

Full Disclosure: Our firm represents women exclusively in divorce and custody cases.  If you’re looking for something written by activists for Father’s rights, you’re in the wrong place. Custody cases are complicated and constantly changing, which probably explains why there is so much misunderstanding out there.  I meet with one woman who tells me she...

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Why Good Moms Lose Custody

I’ll let you in on a secret: good moms lose custody.  It doesn’t happen all the time.  It doesn’t even happen most of the time.  But, sometimes, good moms lose custody. Yes.  Seriously.  Sometimes, it happens that, even though a mom is a good mom, she loses custody.  Why?  Well, it really all depends on...

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Unrelated Overnight Guests in Virginia Custody

Custody cases are some of the most complicated that we see. The court views a divorce case as predominantly a business transaction. Though you may get laughed at if you say that it’s about “fairness”, there is a fair amount of consideration that goes into the equity of a particular way of dissolving the marriage....

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Alcoholism in Divorce and Custody Cases

Alcoholism is a widespread issue in the United States, and it’s no small wonder that we see it pretty often in divorce and custody cases. Whether it’s your alleged alcoholism, or whether you’re worrying about your husband’s consumption of alcoholic beverages (and, of course, whether it’s a divorce or a custody case we’re talking about),...

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Raising and Lowering Virginia Child Support

As far as things go, child support is one of the easiest issues we deal with in our practice. In a lot of ways, it’s so cut and dry that we don’t spend a lot of time talking about it. That doesn’t mean, though, that you’re not wondering about it—after all, it’s all new to...

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Relocation and Custody

Relocation cases are some of the most difficult custody cases to win – in Virginia at least. And, probably, they come up in Virginia with more frequency than they do in some other places because we’ve got such a disproportionately high number of military service members. I get it, of course. What worked when you...

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Small issues in Virginia custody cases

It’s easy, in a divorce, to lose sight of the forest for the trees. There’s a lot at stake, and so many different elements involved, that it’s easy to become fixated on something to the exclusion of almost everything else. Sometimes, it’s something big—like custody—and other times, in other cases, it’s something that, to me...

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