College Costs in Virginia Divorce

College Costs in Virginia Divorce

College is expensive. I know, I know – not exactly rocket science, right? And, especially in my cases where there are older teenage children, my conversations often begin and end on college education and the costs associated with it. I talk to mothers all the time, and they’re all super concerned about their kids well...

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What if I have a prenuptial agreement?

  Very few things strike fear into a divorce attorney’s heart as much as the words, “I have a prenup,” unless its “I already signed the separation agreement”. Either way, it’s very, very relevant information, as what you already signed can have a significant (and sometimes terribly detrimental) impact on your entitlements. When we speak...

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How do I prepare for an initial consultation?

  I got this question for the first time the other day – how do I prepare for an initial consultation – and I realized it’s something that I hadn’t specifically written on before. I’ve written about whether you can bring someone with you, what documents you should bring, what to expect, and so on,...

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I get asked for recommendations all the time. For lawyers practicing in other areas of law, for therapists for divorcing women and their children, for cool lunch spots in the Hilltop area near our main Virginia Beach location (hey, I’m good at that one!), and even, sometimes, for mediators. Ugh, mediation. It is seriously one...

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Already Signed Separation Agreement

I met with a woman the other day who, from the moment she sat down, told me that she had just signed whatever her husband put in front of her because she wanted to keep things amicable. They have four children in common, and parenting was – understandably – her primary concern. He told her...

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Communication when your child is sick

Having a sick kid is bad enough. Having to deal with your child’s father while you have a sick kid is even worse. Most agreements – and court orders – specify that when the child is in your care, you need to notify the child’s other parent of any illness or injury. Now, I think...

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“Fake” Separation Agreements

I had a consult the other day where  a woman walked in with a signed document with a header that said “Separation Agreement” and she asked me, “Is there any chance this is fake?” Did I sign a fake separation agreement? I had to do a double take.  What do you mean, fake?  I asked...

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Virginia Child Support Guidelines

If there’s anything that’s lagging behind the times in divorce and custody, it’s child support guidelines.  (Just kidding.  This is Virginia.  We’re lagging behind in a lot of places, I’m just choosing to talk about one area that, in my opinion, is particularly behind the times.) It’s kind of like no one has any idea...

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