Welcome to Our Family

Representing women exclusively in divorce, custody & support

Envision where you’d like to be, and work backwards from there. In most cases, the divorce and custody attorney has a lot to do with where you wind up, and whether you’re capable of getting that fresh new start you’ve imagined.

At Hofheimer Family Law Firm, we have experience representing women only in Virginia’s divorce, custody, and support cases. We’re familiar with your concerns, and we’ll work with you to help you create a custom solution that addresses your needs and priorities and keeps your family’s well-being at the forefront.

From our premium services to free books and low-cost seminars, we offer a variety of resources to help fit the needs of any Virginia woman facing a divorce or custody case. If you’re wondering where to get started, you can always request a free copy of one of our books, “What Every Virginia Woman Should Know About Divorce,” “Virginia Military Wives Guide to Divorce,” or “The Woman’s Custody Survival Guide.” Our attorneys also teach two different low-cost monthly webinars, Monthly Divorce Seminars, designed to help teach women the ins and outs of divorce cases in Virginia, and Custody Bootcamp for Moms, a comprehensive, all-day seminar designed to help teach moms what they need to know to handle their own custody, support, and visitation cases at the juvenile court level.

Our attorneys are skilled at negotiating and collaborating to reach a timely, efficient, and cost-effective solution for our clients, but aren’t shy–when our client’s best interest requires litigation, we bring it. We’re trial-tested, experienced, and passionate about the work that we do and the women that we serve.

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