
My number one cardinal rule (there are 24 more) for women going through divorce is that you must look out for yourself first. That's right, Not the children first but YOU first. Most attorneys will tell you and many judges will pontificate about always putting the children first. They live in the ideal, not the...

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ADULTERY, SODOMY AND BUGGERY The fault grounds based on sexual misconduct: 1) Adultery—sexual intercourse; 2) Sodomy—oral or anal sex and 3) Buggery—sex with animals, are difficult grounds to prove in Virginia. Adultery and sodomy are defined as any married person voluntarily having sexual intercourse, oral sex, or anal sex with any person who is not...

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To be separated means one of the parties has left the marriage with the intent not to return. Many times, we are asked “Can we be separated while living in the same house?“ – the short answer for Virginia residents is NO. Normally, when two people separate, it’s only natural that they start to live...

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Separating? Getting divorced? Review your estate plan!

Most people become extremely overwhelmed with all the details involving their divorce. What will the parenting schedule be? How much support will I receive? What will happen to the house? One important area many people overlook is reviewing their estate plan. Review life insurance policies and other asset beneficiary designations (IRAs, 401ks). If your soon-to-be...

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How Do I Get Him Out of The House ?

Of all the issues we will discuss, this is among the toughest to answer. Absent provable abuse entitling you to a Protective Order issued by a Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, you can’t make him leave and most judges simply won’t kick him out. Adjust accordingly for the time being. You may ask, why...

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According To Vogue magazine, divorce lawyers have become the 13th most useful fashionable accessory to the fashionable elite. Recognizing the complexity of current divorces due to the credit crunch , the best and brightest women are making sure they are arm in arm with their divorce settlement negotiator. As in Yorkshire England, I am finding...

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Suze Orman's October advice column in Oprah magazine touches on the costs of divorce for couples. Orman recommended collaboration (or collaborative divorce) as a way for couples to "divorce with dignity." Collaborative divorce allows for parties to create their own solutions regarding spousal support, division of property, child custody and other issues facing couples as...

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