house is one of the biggest assets in many divorces and, as a result, it’s one of the first places we start poking around. We need to know, for example, what’s remaining on the mortgage, what condition the house is in, what it’s appraised value might be, and so on, all to help us determine...
We’re the only firm in Virginia representing women only in divorce or custody cases, and we have been for awhile. In our area, there are two firms representing men – though, if I’m not mistaken, they don’t represent men exclusively. I had a settlement conference recently with one of the attorneys from one of the...
There are things in divorce that are negotiating points, especially when it comes to the finer points. A judge, it has to be said, isn’t going to be creative with the results in any particular case; it’s not personal, there just simply isn’t time. If you want to be creative, and craft a solution that...
Retired and active duty military wives and female military service members: If you haven’t already, contact us now to schedule your reduced-fee Veteran’s Day consultation!Retired and active duty military wives and female military service members: If you haven’t already, contact us now to schedule your reduced-fee Veteran’s Day consultation! We rarely reduce our consultation fees,...
Let’s face it, one day, you’ll date again. For some, of course, it happens much sooner than others but, in the majority of cases, it happens. If you have children with your ex, no matter what else might happen, dating because exponentially more difficult. How do you talk about new boyfriends with the children? When...
I see it all the time. It makes me sad, but it’s just the way it is. For a lot of dads, their chief motivation is figuring out some way to pay less child support — or, even better, none at all. To them, I think, it feels like a long term monthly payment to...
Separation is one of those areas where a lot of people get tripped up. I think, most of the time, they really overthink it, and with separation, like with most things, that can cause a lot of confusion. Because it’s legal (at least, I guess that’s why?) they think it has to be a lot...
Divorce is one of those areas of law that is very state-specific. Unlike certain areas of law that are federally controlled, each state is largely responsible for the divorce laws that govern in their courts. The states are, as they say, the social laboratories. So, it’s kind of hard to know, from state to state,...