
Few things in the world are scarier than facing a custody and visitation case.  Few things, too, are more difficult to gather up-to-date, state-specific information about – at least, if the information you’re looking for is also credible. There are a lot of non-attorneys out there offering advice and opinions, much of which – though...

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Mediation v. Settlement Conference

Even when it’s only for a relatively short period, the time that exists in the space between when you and your soon-to-be ex decide to separate and when you reach a signed separation agreement is a particularly painful, anxiety-filled one. All the while that you’re hoping, desperately hoping, that you’ll be able to resolve things...

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Can This Marriage Be Saved: 2024 Edition

I used to love the “Can This Marriage Be Saved” section of my mom’s Ladies Home Journal.  Spoiler alert: the marriages almost always could be saved.  I loved reading the stories from each person’s perspective and I loved even more the idea that, with hard work and a good therapist, even people on the brink...

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Divorce is a scary – and potentially expensive – process, so it’s no wonder that you want to explore all of your alternatives before you commit to a specific course of action.  Is there any way at all that you can avoid hiring an attorney?  Can you use one of the online do it yourself...

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Post Separation Bonus

Is it time to separate?  That may be a strategic question and not just an emotional one. In Virginia, we classify separate property as anything that was earned, purchased, or acquired before the marriage or after the date of separation.  (We also include anything you inherited in your sole name, anything that was a gift...

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Should I negotiate my divorce?

Is settlement a dirty word?  I definitely think there’s a contingent of people who think that this is the case.  Settlement, after all, means compromise – and, in many cases, when you’re head to head with someone in a dispute as deeply personal to you as the terms of your divorce, it can feel a...

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Virginia Separate Debt in Divorce

We talked the other day about debt when it is marital and how it is often divided in a divorce.  But marital ASSETS are categorized as either separate or marital before they are divided – so what happens in the event that debt is separate?  It’s a good question. Typically, separate property is anything that...

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Virginia Marital versus Separate Debt

Though we talk a lot about division of the assets, we often spend a lot less time talking about division of debt.  Even though dividing debt is always an important part of a divorce, it tends to take a backseat – not because it’s not important, but probably more because it’s a whole lot less...

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