
  There are few hard and fast rules when it comes to separation and divorce.  While many decisions that you make are going to be up to you, I would always point out that, in general, the time after a woman makes the decision to separate from her husband is potentially particularly dangerous. I don’t...

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When a marriage starts to fall apart, it’s definitely not the most comfortable experience – especially if you and your soon-to-be ex are still living under the same roof.  In most family law cases, the facts really, really matter, so its hard to make generalized, one-size-fits-all type statements.  If you’re living in the same home,...

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Pre-Marital Property in Virginia

The general wisdom seems to be that, if you bring property into a marriage, you should protect it with a prenuptial agreement – or, even, by not getting married at all. I can’t tell you how many times someone has told me this.  That’s why it’s always a very good idea to talk to an...

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Divorce Can Be Dangerous!

I don’t want to be accused of being dramatic, at least not where divorce and safety is concerned.  I totally get that this probably isn’t a topic that you want to discuss, but if yours has been a difficult marriage, it’s a good idea to move forward keeping your safety in mind. You absolutely should...

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Virginia Coparenting Methods

I’ve never come across a parent who admits that he (or she) is deliberately making things difficult on the children.  No, almost every single parent I’ve met – including the opposing parties – insist that its all about the kids. But it’s not as though there’s only one way to move through a separation, divorce,...

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In Virginia, there is no requirement that you hire an attorney to represent you in a divorce or custody case, whether at the juvenile or circuit court level (or even beyond, if your case merits an appeal). If you choose not to hire an attorney, you represent yourself.  We call people who represent themselves pro...

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Divorcing Virginia Women in the Military

If you’re a woman in the military and you’re getting a divorce, you’re not alone.  Though the reverse dynamic – a man as the active duty military service member and a woman as the dependent spouse – is more common, that doesn’t mean that the reverse doesn’t also occur. Plenty of women are active duty...

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  As much as I’ve written about child support over the years, I think there are still a lot of things that people don’t understand about how it works. Custodial arrangements – or parenting plans – vary dramatically these days, and though it’s true to say that more parents share custody than have primary physical...

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