Even though it says all over our website that we only represent women in divorce, custody, and support cases, we get quite a few live chats and phone calls from men looking for family law attorneys. We sometimes even get women who complain, either on our social media channels, in live chat messages, or...
What’s right for one person isn’t necessarily the perfect fit for someone else. That goes with shoes – just ask Cinderella – and it also goes for divorce attorneys. I mean, really, I think the same is true across many different things in life, but I do think it’s particularly true when it comes...
If you’re a millennial like me, and you’ve given it any thought at all, you’ll probably agree that Nick Parker and Elizabeth James, from the Lindsay Lohan version of The Parent Trap are among the worst parents in the history of the world. I love Dennis Quaid, I really do, and little Lindsay Lohan is...
Maybe I’m wrong – and feel free to correct me if I am – but I think that a lot of people are intimidated to talk to a lawyer. To have a real life lawyer sitting across a desk from you, listening to the details of your case, asking questions, and making judgments is...
It happens more often than you might think that a parent goes missing for a period of time – often, a couple of years or more. When they resurface, though, and want to spend time with their child, a lot of things can happen. For the mom, who has been there day and in day...
There’s a lot of dignity in divorce. Or, at least, there can be. It probably goes without saying that I think about divorce a lot. I think about it at work, of course, and in all the ways that I deal with my clients. I think about it a fair bit in my own personal...
Fear is a big reason that it takes a lot of women a long time to work up the courage to even begin to gather information about divorce. I constantly hear how scary it is to even start to learn about the process, because it’s the first step towards acknowledging that a divorce –...
Everyone wants a free consultation – or, at least, they think they do. My experience, though, is that, in general, you get what you pay for. Family law attorneys, at least the reputable ones I know of in Hampton Roads, don’t generally offer free consultations. Why? For a lot of reasons, but, first and...