
We talked Monday about the difficulty of navigating coparenting relationships when your child is refusing to go to parenting time with her dad. Today, I wanted to continue that conversation a little bit – because I think it’s a super important conversation to have – to discuss, less specifically, the concerns that moms have when...

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When your child refuses to go to visitation

  Coparenting isn’t easy, especially in the early days following a breakup, separation, or divorce. Sometimes, too, issues can compound over time and create a problem, especially for the children. In custody cases, just like in divorce, there’s really only two ways to resolve your case: by an agreement between the parties or by a...

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Understanding Virginia Child Support

Most of us understand the basics of child support. You have a minor child, you pay support. Okay, well maybe we don’t understand the basics – because most people don’t seem to realize that even custodial parents (the parents who have the children more) usually have an obligation to pay something for the support of...

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In the English language, the two words ‘mediation’ and ‘collaboration’ mean something fairly similar, so it’s probably not any surprise that, when it comes to divorce, people really don’t understand the difference. I find it happens pretty often in conversation that people confuse or conflate the two, and it’s really no wonder. In general, people...

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Domestic violence is at the root of a shocking number of the cases that we handle. Just yesterday, a friend from high school reached out to me about her situation – probably the fourth or fifth time she’s done so in the last eight years. This morning, I started off by chatting with another attorney...

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What is a Disneyland Dad?

  I keep seeing the phrase “Disneyland Dad” pop up. For a long time, we’ve referred to this phenomenon as “Super Dad” but I think that “Disneyland Dad” is even better. In fact, as a child, I saw this in action. My uncle Mark and his wife had gone through a nasty divorce, which meant...

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What is a parenting plan in Virginia?

  I was on Instagram the other day, as I so often am, and came across a little meme that said “Your ex doesn’t make the rules; your parenting plan does.” I mean, it’s cute. It’s meant to be empowering, too, which I can appreciate. But, as a lawyer, it confused me a little bit....

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Dad’s Parenting Time and Child Safety

What can you do when you don’t trust your child’s father to keep your child safe during his parenting time? In many cases, it’s difficult to show the court all the ways that a bad dad (though not necessarily an outright physically abusive one) doesn’t show up for his kids in a meaningful way. It’s...

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