There are a lot of struggles between coparents when the relationship between them breaks down. And, just like each child has his or her own struggles, each set of coparents struggles with different parts of their changed family dynamics at different points in their journey. I’ve seen a lot of really, really nasty, tragic,...
Separation agreements are one way to resolve a divorce in Virginia; the only other alternative is to go to court and litigate in front of a judge. Ultimately, in the vast majority of cases, the parties themselves decide that they’d rather be responsible for dividing the assets and liabilities of their marriage between the two...
We all have medical histories. But, for some of us, the information contained in our medical records may be more damaging than what’s in others. I’ve always felt it was a little silly when they had me sign HIPPAA disclosures so that they could talk to my husband, my mother, or other family members about...
Support – both child and spousal – is often a big issue in a lot of Virginia divorce and custody cases. Mostly because ex-husbands don’t want to pay it, and ex-wives are in desperate need of it. Usually, imputation of income is a bigger issue in a spousal support case, so I’ve written a fair...
In a divorce, EVERYTHING needs to be divided before the judge can sign off on it. But what’s everything? What needs to be divided in a divorce? Ultimately, the parties either negotiate the terms of their divorce in a separation agreement, or the judge issues an order and divides everything in court. Most cases resolve...
First and foremost, let me say this loudly and clearly: I am not a representative of Legal Aid, have never worked with Legal Aid, and can’t speak for Legal Aid as an organization. That being said, when it comes to Virginia divorce and custody cases, there are often a lot of things going on behind...
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times: in Virginia, you can either get divorced by negotiating and signing a separation agreement, or by going to court and litigating in front of a judge. In either case, all of the marital assets, liabilities, and responsibilities will be divided, but in one scenario...
In any given divorce and custody case, there are a million issues that can come up. Relocation is often a big one. I hear all sorts of reasons, but it usually comes down to being far from home and without a whole lot of support. Though a lot of people get married and raise children...