
Do you offer a free consultation?

This is a pretty easy one. The answer is no, we don’t offer a free consultation. There are a lot of reasons for this, but mostly it comes down to the difference between an audition and an informational meeting. You see, other attorneys – most notably personal injury, or PI, attorneys – offer free consultations...

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Is collaborative divorce a good option?

If you’re not interested in having your divorce follow a predictable pattern, it’s really smart to consider collaborative divorce. After all, judges – and even attorneys – are often not that creative when it comes to options for dividing the assets, liabilities, and responsibilities of the parties. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve...

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  Being legally separated isn’t a comfortable place to be. Whether you’re living separate under the same roof or you’ve actually physically separated from your soon to be ex spouse, it’s not a period of time that many people look back on fondly. No matter what choices you’ve made, it’s a period of transition, and...

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The fact that, in English, the words ‘negotiation’, ‘mediation’, and ‘collaboration’ mean something close to the same thing creates confusion for a lot of women who are new to the world of divorce and the terms that people familiar with it use to describe certain parts of the practice. On Wednesday, we discussed negotiation, which...

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There’s a lot of confusion about divorce options, especially because the words we use – negotiation, collaboration, and mediation, especially – sound the same to most non-lawyers. I find that people tend to have a lot of difficulty in using the words correctly, and in understanding the legal processes at work behind the scenes of...

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Kids, even from a very young age, have very strong opinions about a lot of things. Some are logical and some, well, are not. If you’ve ever been around a small child, you’ve probably seen this firsthand. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cut a sandwich “the wrong way” (even if it was...

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On Wednesday, we began to talk about your options in Virginia divorce. It’s really important to have an idea about the choices you can make, and how those choices will ultimately impact the outcome in your case. If you just go to an attorney, chances are good that you’ll hear primarily about litigated and negotiated...

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