In Virginia, only attorneys licensed by the Virginia Bar Association can represent clients by appearing in courts in the Commonwealth. An attorney can be licensed in one of two ways – either by attending an accredited law school and passing the bar exam (by far the most common method), or by “reading” the law, which...
I still hear some version of the military ten year myth, even now. I’m not sure where it’s coming from, whether it’s military JAG attorneys, the military service members themselves, or something else. It seems unlikely to me that outreach groups for military services would be misinformed, but it’s entirely possible. In a lot of...
At least a few times every single week, we get a man who – despite our pretty significant web presence and consistent women-only branding – calls our office about hiring an attorney for a divorce or custody case. When we tell him that we represent women only, he gets angry. Typical, right? He tells us...
Though spousal support is harder to get than ever, there are still a lot of cases where it is pretty desperately needed. It’s pretty sexist to assume that the recipient of spousal support would only be the wife, or that wives in general need support to survive, but since I only represent women, I don’t...
Relocation cases come up a lot. It turns out, many of us move somewhere that we might not otherwise have moved in order to support our spouse’s career. It happens a lot, and not just for the military! The problem is, though, that when things end up not working out, the spouse who moved regrets...
Personal lives and romantic relationships are inherently messy. That’s a pretty consistent theme that runs through the core of the work we do here. So, although there are some hard and fast rules that we have to contend with (you know, that pesky law thing you may have been hearing a bit about), it’s also...
You might be surprised to hear how often a marriage ends in divorce – only to later find the two people involved back together again. I know it surprised me, when I first started, how many times we could divorce the same people. But for all the people getting their second divorce from the same...
In all litigated cases, whether for custody or divorce, there came a point where one party or the other decided that there was nothing left to do but file something with the court. It’s a scary moment, because taking a case to court means that, in many ways, its out of your hands. Now, instead...