
As we prepare for a second wave of coronavirus infections (assuming, of course, that we aren’t already in the middle of it now), many people have really high anxiety. It’s sad that dealing with a worldwide pandemic has become such a political issue, with people on both sides of the spectrum weighing in with completely...

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Increased childcare expenses during the pandemic

For many Americans, the pandemic has changed day to day life in ways that still feel surreal. One of the most important ways that the world has changed is the way that we work; for many of us, virtual work has become the norm, as we’ve transitioned away from traditional office work spaces. Still others...

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Divorce and custody cases can be pretty complicated. Though these things can take shape in all sorts of different ways, generally speaking, when we meet with someone who already has a case going on and who is either checking up on the decisions her lawyer is making or is ready to fire her first (or...

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Can’t you just take my case on pro bono?

Family law is hard. I know you know, if you’re facing a family law case. And you can bet your boots I know, because it’s what I do day in and day out.   Divorce and custody cases are hard, both for the people going through it — and also for the lawyers involved! I...

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What is a reasonable agreement when it comes to custody and visitation? This is a question we get a lot – hey, I understand! – from concerned moms who are wondering what’ll happen after they separate from their child’s father. What should a custody and visitation agreement look like?  How much time with my kids...

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It’s pretty universally acknowledged that children – even very young children (and perhaps maybe especially very young children) – have very strong preferences. For my son (who is 3), the strongest of those centers around the color blue, which no one else is allowed to like except for him. Any toy that happens to be...

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Second Saturday Seminar Now Online

Well, it finally happened – we’re moving forward into this century (hats off to you, COVID-19, for pushing us to push the envelope!) and moving our live monthly divorce seminars to a digital webinar format. It really does feel momentous. In the 9 years since I’ve been with the firm, I’ve had to present the divorce...

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Is collaborative divorce right for me?

When it comes to divorce, there’s often a lot of fear involved. One of the biggest fears – for husbands and wives – is the threat of litigation. Litigation, though useful in certain circumstances, is complicated. It’s incredibly costly, with parties often spending far, far more than their counterparts pay for negotiated, mediated, or collaborative...

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