Though financial experts were warning of a recession for awhile before COVID-19 started topping headlines worldwide, I think the strength and severity of the pandemic – and its resulting impact on our obviously alarmingly fragile economy – has taken everyone by surprise. It’s definitely alarming – and more than a little upsetting – to see...
Some things change, some things stay the same. Even though the coronavirus pandemic has totally upended the world as we knew it, there are some things that were challenges before that continue to remain so. For us, in divorce practice, one of the biggies is making sure that we’re able to get information to our...
I’ve said it a couple of times lately: In recent weeks, I’ve understood how some bigger events – like the Great Depression and the World Wars – could really shape a person. We certainly had an experience like that after 9/11; everybody remembers where they were then, and probably also remembers the time immediately after....
There’s no shortage of domestic violence cases. Maybe I was being naïve, but, when I first started to practice family law, I was really amazed at exactly how many there were. I’ve been around for awhile now, and I’m not so easily surprised. There is a lot of domestic violence out there and, if you’re...
If you know me at all, you know I’m a huge anglophile. I can’t help it; I love the British. It has been a lifelong love, too. That’s generally not relevant to the work that I do. Once, I wrote a blog about Henry VIII and the differences between divorce then and now, and I...
Is there anything else to talk about besides Coronavirus and its impact on the world we thought we knew? As far as I’m concerned, I don’t really think so! As far as it relates to custody and visitation, there are a number of related issues. It creates a really interesting and complicated set of circumstances,...
Governor Northam issued a Stay at Home order for Virginia residents, effective immediately, on Monday, March 30th, 2020. I wrote last week about what would happen if a shelter in place order was issued, ironically right before Governor Northam issued his stay at home order. I’ve been reading up on these, and it probably bears...
How’s everyone faring lately? Social distancing is easier for some of us than for others, but there’s no question that, over time, it’ll wear on us all. Even though I’m your run-of-the-mill dyed-in-the-wool introvert, it’s a struggle for me knowing that playgrounds (I have two kids who are home full time with me as I...