
I keep hearing a lot of “what ifs” lately, and it makes sense. There hasn’t been another pandemic like this in living memory, and these are exceptional times. Every morning these days, I get up and check the news, terrified of what I might see. I keep seeing news articles and hearing rumors that suggest...

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Childcare during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Many of us at Hofheimer Family Law Firm are moms with young and school-aged children. We’re all scrambling to find out how to work and provide childcare when we have been told to avoid groups of 10 or more and schools are closed. Adding to the confusion is that some daycare centers remain open, but...

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How Will COVID-19 Affect My Family Law Case?

First of all, we are thinking about all of our clients and all women and children in Virginia at this time. No matter your life circumstance – whether you have kids, whether you are elderly, or whether you are just trying to keep your job, everything right now is hard. Schools in Virginia are closed...

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Managing Social Media During Your Divorce

We all have social media accounts. Or, at least, virtually all of us do. And, for many of us, it’s an integral part of every day life. For me, as a millennial, I barely remember a time before computers, and, even though I remember getting my Facebook account (back when Facebook was limited to students...

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If I had a quarter for every time a client asked me about supervised visitation, I’d have an awful lot more quarters than the number of cases where I’ve seen supervised visitation actually get awarded. It’s not like an annulment, which is essentially a unicorn, but it’s not very common, either. In fact, it’s pretty...

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(Very) Short Virginia Marriages

We all make mistakes. Some mistakes are bigger than others, of course, but we all make them. If you were recently married, but have realized that it was a big mistake and you’re ready to work on finalizing a divorce… well, I don’t know the specifics yet, but I’d venture to say that it’s not...

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Annulment and Fraud

I get lots of requests for more information about annulments. Hey, I get it! For one thing, they’re pretty prevalent in the media, and there seems to be this general misconception that an annulment is an easy thing to get – especially if the marriage is really short, or if it wasn’t consummated, or something...

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Coparenting for Beginners, Part 2

On Monday, I talked about an issue in coparenting that I see come up with some frequency: “how much information do I give my child’s father?” It’s often an issue when it comes to things like medical appointments; if dad doesn’t come, is mom obligated to share the details? What does it say if she...

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