
My Guardian ad litem is SO biased!

Working with a Guardian ad litem (an attorney appointed to represent the interests of the child to the court in a custody and visitation case) isn’t easy, to put it mildly. And, if you’re one of the many, many, many women I’ve worked with or talked to over the years who hates your Guardian ad...

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In our area, dealing with the military is, for better or for worse, just a part of daily life. We’re pretty attuned to the specific issues that the military faces, and, for many of us, whether we’re current or former military service members or spouses, there are a lot of family law issues that are...

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Should I sign this separation agreement?

Every so often I hear from a woman who, panicked, tells me she has to have a separation agreement reviewed TODAY. She has to sign it right now, or there’ll be dire consequences. It’s an emergency! It has to be done now! I hate these conversations for a lot of reasons, but, first and foremost,...

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What IS Girl’s Night Out? Should I go?

What IS Girl’s Night Out? If you’ve been around for a little while (you know, kind of scoping us out to see who we are and what we’re about), you’ve probably seen that we have an event series called Girl’s Night Out. But what is it? Should you go? Would you feel weird if you...

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Four Way Settlement Conference

There’s not a lot of magic when it comes to being a divorce lawyer. I think that a lot of people think there is – magic words we put in agreements, or magic tactics we have to make the unmanageable somehow manageable. The truth is, though, that (although I wish there were), there’s nothing very...

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Adultery, Spousal Support, and Custody

Adultery, Spousal Support, and Custody We talked Monday about adultery, and the difference between filing a divorce (which is a civil case) using adultery as your grounds and an actual criminal prosecution on adultery (which is a level IV misdemeanor in Virginia). The purpose of that article was to alleviate concerns I see around adultery...

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Will I be charged with adultery?

So, as you probably already know (or you wouldn’t be reading this article), adultery is a crime in Virginia. It’s also grounds for divorce. But what happens if you file for divorce (or your husband files for divorce) and alleges adultery as the grounds? This is especially a concern for active duty military servicemembers, where...

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Ignoring Your Lawyer’s Advice

I get it. Lawyers tell you things sometimes that you just don’t want to hear. They give you advice and maybe, while you sat in your attorney’s office, you thought you were going to follow it. When you got home, though, other things confronted you, distracted you, and made it difficult for you to do...

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