
Handling Divorce and Custody

I often find that, when reaching a separation agreement isn’t as easy as previously thought, many people (especially those who had hoped to navigate their divorce without the assistance of attorneys) find themselves filing for custody. Though I can certainly understand the appeal of this (after all, custody is THE biggest issue in cases where...

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Do I need a therapist in my Virginia divorce?

On Monday, I talked about divorce coaches and how useful they can be in Virginia divorce. I talked a lot about the emotional issues that many women face during the divorce process, and how important it is to deal with those issues alongside the divorce related issues. I get it. What you’re going through (or...

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Virginia Divorce Coaches

Divorce isn’t an easy process, no matter who you are. If you’re feeling anxious and depressed and overwhelmed and emotional, you’re not alone. In fact, it’s totally normal to be feeling any one or some combination of all of those feelings. Divorce involves tremendous changes that are difficult (and even traumatic) for people to handle....

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Should I take my husband to court?

Divorce and custody cases aren’t like personal injury cases. At the end of the day, all you have to divide is what was already there to begin with – so, most of the time, people wind up with less than they had before. I mean, if you think about it, it makes sense. If you...

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Non Parent Rights in Virginia Custody

Everything changes when mom and dad can’t make it work. Things that used to work out and were generally accepted sometimes don’t continue to work, especially where nonparents are concerned. Specifically: grandparents. Here’s the typical scenario: mom and dad are happy together (married or unmarried, it’s irrelevant). Mom’s mom is super active in the kid’s...

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Divorce Disabled Wife

Divorce is scary at the best of times, but if you’re suffering from a disability, it can be even worse. Everyone is worried about how, after divorce, they’ll be able to afford a lifestyle that is even remotely similar to the one they’ve been enjoying. When we’re talking less about paying for a house and...

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Virginia Spousal Support: New Tax Laws

Spousal support is a pretty loosey goosey area of law anyway; though there are “guidelines” we can use to calculate an appropriate level of spousal support, those guidelines aren’t binding on any of the courts in Hampton Roads. So, unlike child support, spousal support amounts (and more than that, the duration of a spousal support...

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Handling divorce and custody separately

It happens sometimes – though I definitely don’t prefer it – that custody is handled separately from the rest of the divorce proceedings. It can happen for any number of reasons. Like everything else, divorce and custody cases are highly variable, and all sorts of things can happen that can result in people choosing to...

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