
I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later, but the other day I finally had a consultation where a woman yelled at me. I’ve been told that it happens, but I guess I never really thought it would happen to me. I can’t say I blame the woman; I didn’t have an awesome...

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When a husband and a wife legally separate from one another, they separate with the intention to end the marriage. Then, they stop cohabitating. Cohabitation is a fancy legal word that describes the way two people live together as a married couple. When you are cohabitating, you’re behaving a certain way both inside and outside...

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Though I think it’s awesome that so many more places are offering resources for people planning on trying to represent themselves on their own, I think the site created by the Virginia Judicial System (though helpful in essentials) is definitely lacking when it comes to providing Virginia women with the information that they need to...

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It seems like we have a couple of cases like this lately. Dad wasn’t involved in the child’s life (and when I say wasn’t involved, I mean, like, he was completely and totally uninvolved) until, suddenly, he decided that he wanted to be. And not just that he wanted to see the child on occasion...

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Can I move with our child in Virginia?

If you’re feeling unsafe, it’s only natural to want to run away—particularly if the very person who is making you feel unsafe is your child’s father. In my career, I’ve heard some pretty awful horror stories about the situations that have made my clients feel like they have no choice other than to flee. Usually,...

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Every marriage – and every divorce – is different. Even though there are certain principles that carry over and are equally true from one divorce to the next, there are also lots of ways we can customize the experience for each client, especially when it comes to negotiating separation agreements. (Obviously, when we go to...

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Custody and Visitation of Babies in Virginia

“I don’t want to send the baby to his father,” mothers often say to me. They can cite a bunch of reasons, from the fact that he hasn’t yet changed a single diaper (a single one!), that he isn’t vigilant about avoiding her allergens, he doesn’t stick to the schedule with respect to her medication,...

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It doesn’t happen all that often, but every so often we talk to a woman who has already signed and negotiated a prenuptial agreement. Usually, when it happens, the woman doesn’t let us know she has signed a prenup until after we’ve already had most of our initial consultation. Then, she’ll say something like, “Well,...

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