
Virginia Annulment

Marriages end for all sorts of reasons. In most cases, marriages end in divorce, and it’s cut and dry and fairly simple. Though different issues, like a business valuation, complicated equitable distribution, or a custody battle can drag things out and make an otherwise simple divorce take longer, most divorces follow a predictable pattern. But...

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6 Big Misconceptions in Family Law

We all know a lot about how the law works because we watch TV. Right? Well, no—actually, it’s quite the opposite. We don’t know very much about the law, but most of us do know just enough to be truly dangerous. There are courtroom dramas right and left, and what most people really know is...

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Divorce Costs

If I could give you one piece of advice as you begin to prepare for your divorce case, it would be this: keep calm. I know, I know.  That’s easier said than done.  Divorce is complicated, and it affects a lot of things—among the most important of which are your family and your finances.  It’s...

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How Custody Decisions Are Made

In most states, custody decisions are made in court based on the “best interests of the child.”  It’s a pretty general phrase that can mean all sorts of things.  In fact, most courts have a different definition of what, exactly, qualifies as being in the best interests of a child. If you’re facing a custody...

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Preparing financially for divorce

When I talk to women, whether in my office, at a Second Saturday Seminar, at Girl’s Night Out, they usually tell me that the thing they’re worried the most about is their finances. How will they make it work—both during the separation, and after the divorce? They’re filled with so many questions and so much...

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Reminder: July Girl’s Night Out in Norfolk

Just in case you haven’t already, make sure you RSVP online now to attend our July 8th Girl’s Night Out event at the Ocean View Fishing Pier (on the top deck!) from 6-8pm. I know, I know—it’s no secret that we’re a Virginia law firm representing women only in divorce and custody cases. Still, no...

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Rights to Child Custody: A Non Parent’s Guide

Just because you don’t have a blood relationship to a child doesn’t mean that you don’t feel compelled to stay involved in a child’s life once you’ve already begun. You can have a relationship with a child for about a million different reasons, aside from any kind of familial ties you might have and, when...

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Grandparents Rights to Custody: A Guide for Mom

If you’re a mom and someone else, like your parents or your child’s father’s parents, are petitioning the court to get custody or visitation from you, you’re probably scared and upset. After all, don’t you have a right to make decisions about who your children should and shouldn’t be around? Aren’t you right to consider...

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