
Will I Have to Pay Spousal Support to HIM?

The reason we refer to alimony as “spousal support” these days is because it’s more gender neutral. To some women, that’s still a bit of a shocker. It’s true; the idea that a former husband could receive support from his wife is a bit different from what this kind of support was originally intended to...

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Being the higher wage earner in your marriage gives you a lot more control over your divorce than you would have if you were the spouse who earned less. It used to be that the majority of women that came into our offices earned less than their husbands. Whether they were stay at home moms,...

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Legally Forgiving Adultery in Virginia Divorce

Adultery doesn’t always end a marriage. I’ve seen many, many couples reconcile after an affair, so if you’re interested in trying to revive your marriage, you’re not alone. Still, as a divorce attorney, it’s my job to make sure you consider all the possibilities. I believe in marriage, and I hope you can save yours,...

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In Virginia, adultery is all about what you can prove. If you’ve had an affair, you’ll want to keep it as quiet as possible, especially if you’re hoping to receive spousal support in your case. Most divorces in Virginia are “no fault” divorces. That doesn’t mean that neither of you committed any fault that ultimately...

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Virginia Divorce Laws: Adultery

The Virginia divorce laws that deal with adultery are probably not as strict as you would think. When adultery is an issue, most women think that there will be serious legal repercussions. Usually, though, that’s not the case. Adultery is traumatic in a unique way, because there is such a feeling of total betrayal of...

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In Virginia, there are a lot of different options when it comes to divorce, and the path that you choose has a definite impact on how long it actually takes for you to get that final divorce decree signed and in your hand. Whenever a client asks me how long a divorce typically takes, I’m...

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One of the most common questions I get is, “Can we be separated and living in the same house?” The short answer is yes, but it’s tricky. For whatever reason, you may not be quite ready to physically separate from your husband, even though you’re headed towards divorce. The most common reasons I hear all...

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In Virginia, the complaint is the document you file to begin your divorce case. It’s a very important document, because it sets forth your grounds and asks the court for relief. In your complaint, you’ll ask the court for all the important things you’ll want out of your divorce: custody, support, and equitable distribution. Remember:...

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