
Be careful what you sign!

Divorce involves complicated issues of law because you and your husband will have to make permanent and binding decisions regarding property distribution, support, and custody. I’ll say it again: the decisions you make, and agree to in writing, are both permanent and binding. There is really no chance that you can un-sign an agreement later,...

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You’re not going to get everything, so it’s probably a good idea to start thinking now about what you can realistically ask for in your divorce. It’s also a good idea to come to grips with the fact that your husband will probably get something that you wanted, because both people tend to want the...

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In a divorce, the things that you don’t do are often just as important as the things you do. That’s because, sometimes, when you’re angry, hurt, or upset, you make decisions that you wouldn’t ordinarily make. Maybe, in a normal world, these decisions wouldn’t impact you tremendously. But you should know that, once you initiate...

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If you’ve been out of the workforce for awhile, it can be incredibly scary to think about having to find a job. For one thing, you probably made that decision (along with your husband) in an effort to promote the needs of the family, and you probably still that’s where your priorities lie. It’s hard...

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In Virginia, proving adultery is difficult because you have to have a corroborating witness. It’s not enough for you to tell the court that your husband has committed adultery, even if you have pictures, cards, text messages, or other evidence to back up your claims. It’s not enough even if your husband admits to you...

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Is it okay if we separate in the same home?

In Virginia, one of the requirements to qualify for a no-fault divorce is having lived separate and apart from your husband for a period of one year, if you have minor children, or six months, if you don’t have minor children. Living separate and apart doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to live in separate...

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Any time you go to court, you should remember that it is very important to make a good impression on the judge. It seems obvious enough, but for many couples going through divorce, simply being in the same room (especially in such an adversarial setting) is enough to make normal, otherwise responsible adults break down...

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If you’re concerned that your child’s father will take your child and refuse to bring her back, you need to get a custody order in place as quickly as possible. Until you have one, it’s virtually impossible to enforce a specific custody and visitation schedule. The problem, of course, is that a parent, who has...

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