
Does HofLaw Handle Military Divorce?

Because of the sheer number of military families in our area, we get a lot of questions about military divorce.  Also because of the sheer number of military families in our area, we handle a lot of military divorces. In short, it’s safe to say that all six of us can and have handled military...

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Spotlight on Caitlin Walters

With over a decade (!!!) of experience under her belt, Caitlin Walters is a formidable attorney dedicated to representing women exclusively in family law. There are a lot of family lawyers out there, and it can be hard to decide who to hire.  Obviously, you want someone good – able to take your case to...

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Is it time for a consultation for divorce?

In my own personal opinion, one of the hardest things to do when it comes to divorce is to decide that it’s actually time to pursue it.  Of all the women that I’ve spoken with over time, a few have referred to the proverbial ‘straw that broke the camel’s back’; or, in other words, they...

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Being a family lawyer who represents women only – believe it or not – is not all sunshine and rainbows and fighting against narcissistic or abusive husbands. I know.  You’re shocked.  Sometimes, it’s really, really hard.  And one of the times when it’s the hardest is when you have to give advice to your client...

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Talking With Your Kids About Divorce

There’s not a roadmap that comes along with any part of having kids.  From the time you leave the hospital until, well, I’m not sure when it ends, there’s really nothing out there that provides any kind of authoritative advice for what to do when difficult things happen. Likewise, there’s no manual for helping your...

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How much does a good lawyer cost?

  Everyone loves a lawyer joke. Me included, actually. Have you heard the genie one? I’ll do my best to do it justice, even though writing it out in a blog format isn’t normally the most hilarious way to try to tell a joke. So, the way the story goes, there’s this guy. He rubs...

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Where can I file for divorce?

There’s no limit to the number of things that can happen to a woman between the time she decides to marry and the time she decides to divorce. Though, in many ways, things can get pretty complicated, for the sake of this article, I’ll try to keep things simple. Where can I file for divorce?...

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When Non Lawyers Give Legal Advice

Getting your divorce information from a person who is not a lawyer is pretty risky behavior. I’m a member of a Facebook group for moms in a prominent local city, and I’ve noticed that there are a lot of requests for legal advice. It’s not a group for family lawyers, so, as you can probably...

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