
In Virginia, you are separated when either you or your husband decides that the marriage is over and you stop cohabitating. It’s really a two part test. You have to realize that the marriage is over and accept that it’s beyond repair, but you also have to stop holding yourselves out as husband and wife,...

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When you were addressing all your invitations and counting the number of guests who RSVP’d yes to your wedding, you never thought you’d be here. You never thought you’d be researching divorce and separation. You probably feel incredibly guilty, after allowing your parents to foot at least part of the bill (and the average wedding...

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Sometimes, it seems like filing for custody is a good way to stake your claim on your child and prevent your child’s father from getting any crazy ideas about who is going to be the primary custodian for your child. In custody cases, you often have to ask yourself whether there really is a custody...

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When your relationship with the father of your children doesn’t work out, it’s normal to want to make a change. Especially in military families, where the family relocates solely because of dad’s job, it makes sense that the first thing these moms think of is moving back home to be closer to their family and...

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How To Choose the Right Divorce Attorney for You

When you’re facing a divorce, it’s important to feel that you have the right attorney on your side. But, if you’ve never had any experience with the law, how do you know you’re choosing the right person? You want to make sure you have a good attorney on your side, but you can’t afford to...

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Get Fast Divorce Facts Here!

Before you get too far in the divorce process, it’s a really good idea to do some research, especially if you’re angry or upset. I think it’s always best to start a project with an idea of where you want to end up, and divorce is no exception. If you go in to see an...

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Spousal support is based on a number of factors, including the income of both parties. You have to demonstrate that the receiving party has a “need” (that is easily done), and you also have to demonstrate that the paying party has an “ability to pay.” This is determined based on relative income disparity. There has...

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In Virginia, property is divided according to a statute, and it’s called “equitable distribution.” Different states divide property differently, so you need to be sure that you’re familiarizing yourself with the way it’s done in the state where you live. If you live in Virginia, though, you’re in the right place. Equitable distribution means that...

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