
How much does a Virginia divorce lawyer charge?

It’s not easy to tell how much a divorce or custody case is going to cost. Even in my position, knowing as much as I know about family law, that would make me uneasy. It’s not easy to feel like, in hiring an attorney, you’re essentially striking a blank check. I’m going to do my...

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If we separate, can he force me to move out?

One of the most common questions we get is about living together after separation. Specifically, can one of you – usually, the one with the upper hand – force the other to move out? Whether you own or rent your home, whether you’re the higher earning spouse or the lower earning spouse, the answer is...

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Virginia Child Custody and Vacations

If you’re reading this article in the actual week it was published (April 11, 2022), I’m out on vacation. I’m writing this, in advance, so that, while I’m gone, interesting legal questions will continue to be answered for any Virginia women searching for the answers. But my vacation – which will have me out of...

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  Once you decide that your marriage is over, you can’t just end it right there. Legally, there are a whole host of other requirements you have to meet before the divorce can be finalized by the court. Whether you actually litigate your case (meaning, argue it in front of a judge) or whether you...

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Mental Disability and Divorce

Lots of people get married, and, of those people who marry, a good number will ultimately – eventually – divorce. People who suffer from mental or intellectual disabilities also marry and, as a result, get divorced, too. It doesn’t come up that often, but it does come up. In fact, the reason I write today...

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  Child support is always a challenging issue, especially because it’s an ongoing obligation – at least until your child reaches the age of 19 or graduates high school. If child support is ordered when the child is very young, things can change dramatically until they age out of the system and become a legal...

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One of my favorite questions to ask professionals – doctors, financial advisors, whoever – is what they’d do in my situation if they were me. So it sort of surprises me, frankly, that I haven’t written an article where I tell you what I’d do if I was in your shoes. Of course, it’s a...

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