
Common Custody Issues: His Parenting Time

  It’s hard to transition from having custody of your child full time to sharing custody, no matter what specific allocation of time your child’s father gets.  Sharing holidays is a challenge, especially when you consider that it means that there will be major holidays that you’ll spend alone.  Any deviation from the standard schedule...

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Common Custody Issues: Birthday Parties

There are a few issues that seem to pop up again and again and, if you’ve been in family law as long as I have, you’re bound to see it.  If you’re going through a divorce or custody case, you may very well come across it, too – which is why I write today. It...

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What is the military Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)?

Specific military divorce information can be hard to come by – and, even worse, what you can find is often conflicting or confusing.  I’ve spent a lot of time lately writing about military divorce because I seem to keep meeting up with women who are confused about one part of military divorce or another. I...

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Should I come to Girl’s Night Out?

Sometimes, I think I hate going anywhere.  But then I do, and I’m so glad I did. If you’re thinking about going to Girl’s Night Out but you’re just not sure, I’m talking directly to you.  I know it can be scary to go somewhere new, especially if you don’t know a lot of other...

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The military has all sorts of policies which can make separation, divorce, and child custody especially confusing as a military spouse.  On top of the military policies, too, there are many laws at the state level that will impact how your separation, divorce, and/or custody case will proceed, some of which supersede the military policies. ...

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I need a bulldog of a custody lawyer!

Eeks – the word bulldog!  I hate it.  I really do.  But still, time and time again, that’s what people ask for.  A shark.  A bulldog.  A pitbull.  A no-nonsense, take-no-names, kick-ass lawyer. I get it.  The stakes are high.  They’re high in any legal case, but they may be especially high in family law. ...

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Though the laws vary (sometimes dramatically!) from state-to-state, the law in Virginia is that spousal support terminates in three specific circumstances: (1) the death of either party, (2) the remarriage of the recipient party, and (3) the continued cohabitation of the recipient party in a relationship analogous to marriage for a period of one year...

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