Facing a Virginia Child Custody Case

Facing a Virginia Child Custody Case

I’m about to have a baby. Well, to tell the truth, I still have a couple weeks before my due date—but I’m also feeling a little bit like everyone I know is on baby watch. I’ve never been so critical of every single feeling I have, wondering if it means something more. It’s my first...

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He Drafted a Separation Agreement. Now What?

These days, it is probably safe to say that most people get divorced with a separation agreement. And that’s a good thing! That means that (though it may not have been the easiest thing in the world to do) they aren’t wasting time and money fighting over things in court. When you negotiate a separation...

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Already divorced, but need more help

Question: I’m already divorced, but I need some help. My ex husband and I drafted our own separation agreement, signed it, and moved forward with our uncontested divorce. Now, I want to do whatever I need to do to make sure I get my share of my husband’s retirement. Our agreement is very short, and...

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