“Ballpark” Family Law Attorney Cost

“Ballpark” Family Law Attorney Cost

  Everyone wants a “ballpark” estimate for how much their family law case is going to cost and – who am I kidding? – I can completely understand.  It’s awful to feel like your divorce or custody case, and the corresponding legal representation, is some kind of terrifying blank check. It could cost $5,000; it...

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Virginia Family Law Firms With Payment Plans

I don’t want to mislead you, so I’ll tell you from the first sentence: I am not aware of any reputable Hampton Roads, Virginia-based family law attorneys that take payment plans. I know – hiring an attorney is expensive.  Generally speaking, family law attorneys work on retainers, which means that you have to pay a...

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Divorce is a scary – and potentially expensive – process, so it’s no wonder that you want to explore all of your alternatives before you commit to a specific course of action.  Is there any way at all that you can avoid hiring an attorney?  Can you use one of the online do it yourself...

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How much does a good lawyer cost?

  Everyone loves a lawyer joke. Me included, actually. Have you heard the genie one? I’ll do my best to do it justice, even though writing it out in a blog format isn’t normally the most hilarious way to try to tell a joke. So, the way the story goes, there’s this guy. He rubs...

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Knowing which court does what and where to file your petitions is anything but easy, especially in family law. Our cases are handled both in the juvenile courts AND the circuit courts, and there can be some interplay between the two, depending on the specifics of each case. Let’s talk about it. What petitions do...

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  There’s a lot of Latin in the law and, what with it being a dead language and all, there are very few people who speak or understand Latin, beyond the obvious ‘habeas corpus’ stuff. It’s kind of interesting how often we come up against Latin terms and phrases to describe things in the law;...

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Divorce and Your Credit Score

  You credit score is probably one of those things that you don’t think about all that often. After all, it’s not like it’s something that you need to use very often. In a divorce, though, I’ve found that it’s often one of the first things that slips. Almost immediately after the parties start to...

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The cost of divorce to women

  A friend of mine is getting a divorce. Just like everyone else, it happens from time to time, but an occupational hazard of mine is that they all reach out to me for advice and general support. It’s just the way it goes. It’s a time of crisis, especially in the beginning. And though...

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