What does supervised visitation mean?

What does supervised visitation mean?

In most cases, both parents will have the opportunity to have uninterrupted, unsupervised parenting time with their minor children, whether by agreement between the parties or by court order. In extreme cases, though, it is possible that the court would order one party or the other to have supervised visitation.  This will usually be in...

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There are many different ways that your child’s other parent can try to push the envelope by making you responsible for things that, really, you shouldn’t be solely responsible for if they’re an active and responsible coparent.  Extracurriculars are often one of those things. But how do you know if your question is one that...

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Common Custody Issues: Birthday Parties

There are a few issues that seem to pop up again and again and, if you’ve been in family law as long as I have, you’re bound to see it.  If you’re going through a divorce or custody case, you may very well come across it, too – which is why I write today. It...

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What is parental kidnapping?

It might not seem possible, but, under the law, a parent can kidnap his or her own child.  It’s not common – in fact, it’s actually quite rare – but its something that can and does happen, and that you should be aware of.   Parental kidnapping happens when a parent takes a child in...

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Dealing with in laws after divorce

  Like entirely too many things in life, there’s no rule book for how to handle certain things after divorce. Before I go too far, allow me to say one thing. Actually, I’m going to give it a header tag, so that it’s bigger than the rest of the text, and so that it really...

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Can I refuse to send my kids to visitation?

I first started writing articles about COVID-19 related concerns back in March of 2020, never expecting that an entire year later I’d still be dealing with concerns related to the ongoing pandemic. Custody and visitation issues are some of the biggest that we face in family law, especially when parents share children between two different...

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If you and your child’s father are no longer together, it makes sense that, sooner or later, one or both of you will find someone else. And it probably goes without saying that your someone else comes with his own baggage as well. Blending families – and making it work – is a complicated contention...

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I keep hearing a lot of “what ifs” lately, and it makes sense. There hasn’t been another pandemic like this in living memory, and these are exceptional times. Every morning these days, I get up and check the news, terrified of what I might see. I keep seeing news articles and hearing rumors that suggest...

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