Mediation can be a cost effective way to resolve issues without having to go to court, but it’s still nice to be able to choose whether (or not) to participate in any mediated processes. For one thing, mediators vary wildly – some are attorneys though most are not; some have familiarity with difficult personalities and...
Will I have to go to mediation to resolve my custody case?
In most cases, both parents will have the opportunity to have uninterrupted, unsupervised parenting time with their minor children, whether by agreement between the parties or by court order. In extreme cases, though, it is possible that the court would order one party or the other to have supervised visitation. This will usually be in...
There are many different ways that your child’s other parent can try to push the envelope by making you responsible for things that, really, you shouldn’t be solely responsible for if they’re an active and responsible coparent. Extracurriculars are often one of those things. But how do you know if your question is one that...
If you’re military, you’re probably used to availing yourself of all the amenities military life offers. If you had a landlord/tenant issue, for example, you’d probably go to base legal, or speak to a JAG attorney – and, in many ways, a divorce feels no different. Right? You need legal advice, you go to the...
There are all sorts of issues to work through when you’re navigating a new coparenting relationship – and not all of them are your issues specifically. If you have tiny humans depending on you, you’re going to have to help them navigate their new normal, all while it’s completely foreign to you, too. Not...
Question: My child’s father and I had a baby 18 months ago. We still live together, but we’re not romantically involved. We will never get back together. (Like, ever.) I’d like to move out, so I’m considering consulting an attorney about custody and visitation. I’m worried I’m gearing up for a huge custody battle....
Childcare is one of the most difficult parts of parenting. It just is. I think that is true across the board, regardless of whether you are married to your child’s father, never married your child’s father, divorced your child’s father, are separated from your child’s father, or your child’s father is totally MIA. It’s really,...
Navigating a new coparenting relationship is challenging, even under the best of circumstances. Most breakups, though, aren’t the best of circumstances. Or maybe – and this is entirely possible – I just have a poor sampling. I do think that’s something you (and probably I) should always consider. When I speak (or write), I’m thinking...