There are all sorts of different moms out there in the world and, as a mom, I know how important it is to feel recognized and appreciated for the decisions that you are trying to make to ensure that your children grow up to be the best, happiest, healthiest versions of themselves. Probably, when you’re...
I’m a holistic mom facing a custody case – what can I expect?
There are very few things quite as discomfiting in a custody case as having the Guardian ad litem interview your child – especially when you’re not around. One of the most common ways the Guardians ad litem interview children is by showing up at school. If you’ve never been through this and you’re worrying about...
One disservice that I think fault-based divorce does for people who live in states – like Virginia – that allow for fault-based divorce is that it puts them in a frame of mind where proving that someone is to blame for the marriage ending is somehow important. I’ll be clear, right up front: divorce is...
One of the biggest risk factors for women in divorce is the fact that, statistically speaking, they are the lesser wage earners. This means that, in many cases, many of the most valuable assets are largely controlled by the husband – including, but not limited to, any real estate, retirement accounts, bank accounts, and...
You probably are familiar with the burden of proof required in criminal cases – beyond a reasonable doubt. It is the highest burden of proof possible under the law, and it’s a fundamental component of American justice. You are innocent until you are proven guilty, and you must be so guilty that there is not...
Child and mother sabotage – or CAMS – is a different way to describe a form of coercive control where dads try to alienate children from their mothers. It’s sort of parental alienation adjacent, but it’s important to be careful when you use the words parental alienation. While I recognize that parents can and do...
Not everyone has parents to go home to, but for the lucky few the siren call can be strong. When things start to go badly in your marriage, it’s tempting to want to go back to a place of safety and security. But can you just … leave? Is it that simple? Well, hold...
I hear a lot of chatter, especially online, about how women with children – particularly multiple children – can’t afford to work because of the high cost of childcare. And while it’s true, at least from a mathematics perspective, that what you earn is quickly and easily outpaced by what you have to pay...