Mediation can be a cost effective way to resolve issues without having to go to court, but it’s still nice to be able to choose whether (or not) to participate in any mediated processes. For one thing, mediators vary wildly – some are attorneys though most are not; some have familiarity with difficult personalities and...
Will I have to go to mediation to resolve my custody case?
Most of the questions that we get – at least in the early stages of a separation or divorce – is a basic one. “What should I do first?” It’s a good question, too, because I think it’s always smart to go into something knowing what to expect and having at least the outlines of...
Just because you want a divorce doesn’t necessarily mean that you really know what you are entitled to receive – or, even more than that, what it might look like after the ink is dry on your final divorce decree. Hey, that’s okay! You’ve probably never been in this position before and, heck, even if...
One of the unique things about Virginia when it comes to divorce is that we still allow fault based grounds for divorce! Over the years, many states have modernized to the point that they only allow no fault grounds, but we’re one of the few holdouts. We still allow adultery (as well as sodomy...
I hear a lot of chatter, especially online, about how women with children – particularly multiple children – can’t afford to work because of the high cost of childcare. And while it’s true, at least from a mathematics perspective, that what you earn is quickly and easily outpaced by what you have to pay...
We’ve hosted our Girl’s Night Out event series for a really long time now, but this next event is a new one for us. On Tuesday, September 10th from 6-8pm, we’ll be at Haygood Skating Rink in Virginia Beach! We’re doing a sort of roller disco theme (probably because of *this* image of the...
Our former managing partner, Kristen D. Hofheimer, passed away in January of 2019 following a long battle with breast cancer. For many of us – myself included – Kristen was more than just a coworker; she was a mentor and a friend. She was also one of the leading forces that drove much of our...
There are very few things as alarming as being served with legal-looking paperwork and not being sure what that means for you or how to respond. In general, though, you’re right to be concerned – not that this is the end of the world, but legal paperwork usually means that you’re going to need to...