How do I prepare for an initial consultation?

How do I prepare for an initial consultation?

  I got this question for the first time the other day – how do I prepare for an initial consultation – and I realized it’s something that I hadn’t specifically written on before. I’ve written about whether you can bring someone with you, what documents you should bring, what to expect, and so on,...

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Should I sign his prenup?

Prenuptial agreements kind of stink. In fact, I really don’t like them. In my experience, they aren’t good news for the women that I represent and are really used against them at a time when they are the most vulnerable. When you’re happy (you’re about to be a bride!), it’s hard to think about the...

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Prenuptial Agreements and Virginia Law

Let me just say this: prenuptial agreements aren’t all that common. And, if your soon to be husband has presented you with one, you have three options: 1. Sign it as is, and hope for the best. (Generally not recommended.) 2. Don’t sign it. Walk away, and hope he’ll marry you anyway—but with full knowledge...

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