Girl’s Night Out at Haygood Skating Center!

Girl’s Night Out at Haygood Skating Center!

  We’ve hosted our Girl’s Night Out event series for a really long time now, but this next event is a new one for us.  On Tuesday, September 10th from 6-8pm, we’ll be at Haygood Skating Rink in Virginia Beach! We’re doing a sort of roller disco theme (probably because of *this* image of the...

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When will you announce scholarship winners?

Our former managing partner, Kristen D. Hofheimer, passed away in January of 2019 following a long battle with breast cancer.  For many of us – myself included – Kristen was more than just a coworker; she was a mentor and a friend.  She was also one of the leading forces that drove much of our...

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There are very few things as alarming as being served with legal-looking paperwork and not being sure what that means for you or how to respond.  In general, though, you’re right to be concerned – not that this is the end of the world, but legal paperwork usually means that you’re going to need to...

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Not all Narcissists Make Divorce Awful

I know, I know.  If you’re married to a narcissist – whether diagnosed or undiagnosed – you KNOW how miserable they can make life.  And, if left to their own devices, they’d probably love to make divorce difficult, too. After all, if there’s one thing a narcissist (or a high conflict person or an abusive...

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Once you have an appointment – like an initial consultation – with a lawyer, that lawyer cannot meet with, give advice to, or represent the opposing party.  In a divorce or custody case, if a wife meets with five of the top local divorce attorneys, none of those five will be able to represent her...

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Divorce is hard enough in normal circumstances, but when you don’t know where your soon-to-be ex is living, it’s even harder.  You may be surprised, too, to find out how often it happens! The biggest issue associated with not knowing where he is has to do with service of process.  Basically, it’s a Constitutional requirement.  When...

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Common Custody Issues: His Parenting Time

  It’s hard to transition from having custody of your child full time to sharing custody, no matter what specific allocation of time your child’s father gets.  Sharing holidays is a challenge, especially when you consider that it means that there will be major holidays that you’ll spend alone.  Any deviation from the standard schedule...

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Virginia Marital versus Separate Debt

Though we talk a lot about division of the assets, we often spend a lot less time talking about division of debt.  Even though dividing debt is always an important part of a divorce, it tends to take a backseat – not because it’s not important, but probably more because it’s a whole lot less...

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