In all too many child custody cases, the allegations made by the other side are complete and total lies. Or, maybe they’re not COMPLETE lies, but they’re based on one tiny little nugget of information that is conflated to mean something that it doesn’t. What’s the worst thing they could say about you? You...
What’s the worst they could say about me in my child custody case?
I like to learn things. I admit it; I do. Back in the days when I was in school, I used to love the day that the teacher handed out the syllabus and I got to see all the things I was going to get to learn over the course of the semester. I...
Moms and dads often don’t parent the same. Sometimes, that’s a problem, and other times it’s not. It can be just a fact of life; a reflection of the difference in two coparents different backgrounds, perspectives, and world views. It can, actually, be a good thing when two parents are different, because it gives...