Not everyone has parents to go home to, but for the lucky few the siren call can be strong. When things start to go badly in your marriage, it’s tempting to want to go back to a place of safety and security. But can you just … leave? Is it that simple? Well, hold...
I’m separating – can I move back in with my parents?
A woman asked me this question the other day – am I likely to get a divorce on fault, or should I just negotiate an agreement – and I thought it was a good one. It’s one I’ve answered before, but never in those exact words, and I do think that its worth looking...
I follow up with women who’ve had consults with us – with any of our attorneys, not just the ones who meet with me – after their appointments, just to make sure that they got their questions answered in the appointment. I find that, in a lot of cases, they either forgot to ask something,...
Though I’ve only ever practiced family law in Virginia, I’m pretty sure that everywhere – Virginia included – requires grounds in order to finalize a divorce. In Virginia, those grounds can be either fault based or no fault based. Whether you choose to file on fault or no fault depends, of course, on the facts;...
My college roommate/best friend texted me this morning to ask whether, in my professional opinion, a recent transgression of her husband’s was grounds for divorce. She included a picture, of a bottle of syrup, with the name “Vermont Maid” proudly displayed across the bottle. I should probably also mention: my friend, Erin, is from Vermont....
In Virginia, you often need a corroborating witness in your divorce case. You can use a corroborating witness for all sorts of things, but usually its related to providing that your grounds — whether fault or no fault – are proven to the satisfaction of the judge. It’s not enough for you to testify to...