Part One Under Virginia law (well, under the law in every state, as far as I’m aware), both parents have an obligation to support their children. For many people, it’s a non issue – parents who are together tend to share expenses and mutually care for the children. For parents who are separated, divorced, or...
A Guide to Child Support for Virginia Moms: Part One
Whenever a woman asks me a question about what we can make happen in the divorce, I have two answers. If it goes to court, there’s one set of answers, and if we’re able to reach an agreement regarding the distribution of the assets and liabilities in a marriage, there’s a whole other set...
Divorce is scary at the best of times, but if you’re suffering from a disability, it can be even worse. Everyone is worried about how, after divorce, they’ll be able to afford a lifestyle that is even remotely similar to the one they’ve been enjoying. When we’re talking less about paying for a house and...
There are lots of things that women want to have included in their separation agreements, but that doesn’t always mean that it’s possible. Unfortunately, when it comes to some things, we’re limited by what the law allows. What DOES the law allow you to divide or award in divorce? There are lots of things that...