Facing a complicated legal issue is really scary, especially when you’ve started to do the research and you realize that it’s looking worse than you maybe even expected. Then, you check your bank account balance and, well, it looks even worse. We’ve talked before about how lawyers, or at least family lawyers, typically work on...
I have a terrible family law case, and I need pro bono help!
Family law is hard. I know you know, if you’re facing a family law case. And you can bet your boots I know, because it’s what I do day in and day out. I understand the love a parent has for a child, having two of my own. I understand the degree to which a...
People call all the time, wanting pro bono divorce help. Though I certainly understand – wanting a divorce is not the same thing as being in a position financially to be able to afford to have a divorce attorney do it – it’s really not something that any law firms I know of actually offer....
We literally get calls every single day from women asking whether we will take their cases pro bono. I’m not sure where this all got started, but the reality is that we really can’t take entire cases pro bono. That doesn’t mean that your case isn’t serious, or that your financial situation isn’t bleak. It...