You think you know Virginia divorce law?

You think you know Virginia divorce law?

I see misinformation everywhere, almost every single day.  It seems like, when it comes to legal advice, almost everyone thinks they know all the answers – and they’re comfortable enough to tell other people what they should do, too. The thing is, though, that they’re often wrong. Just today I saw some divorce coach on...

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Can we reconcile and avoid Virginia divorce?

If you’re still hoping to save your marriage, you’re not alone.  In fact, that’s something I hear all the time.  One thing that I think is universally true is that every single woman who decides to get a divorce has to do everything she feels she has to do in order to try to save...

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  I’m always surprised at just how many people maintain separate bank accounts throughout the entirety of their marriage. Though I definitely understand the desire to keep things separate – and maybe to share expenses in a mutually owned household account – I do think that it often causes confusion about what is marital property...

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Divorce, Economics, and Inflation

When I was a brand new baby lawyer, fresh out of law school, it was a few years after the 2008 real estate crash. At that time, I remember seeing a lot of people – yes, even several years later – who came in with tons of debt and houses that were underwater. At the...

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Should I waive spousal support?

  I like to say that, when it comes to divorce and custody cases, there aren’t a lot of rules. I mean, there are some rules – after all, we have to follow the Code of Virginia – but what I mean is that, when it comes down to determining what’s right and wrong for...

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I’m getting a divorce – what next?

  There’s are very few things quite as disquieting as realizing – or being told – that your marriage is over. Contemplating a divorce is no easy feat; it never is, not for anyone. There’s a period in time, before anything is anywhere near finalized, where everyone feels on edge. If you’re living separate under...

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