For a long time, I thought the ten year myth – the idea that you had to be married for ten years to be entitled to a portion of the military retirement – was limited to military divorces only. Please note, of course, that I called it a MYTH. I didn’t realize that many civilians...
Do I have to be married for ten years to get any of his retirement?
If you’re military, you’re probably used to availing yourself of all the amenities military life offers. If you had a landlord/tenant issue, for example, you’d probably go to base legal, or speak to a JAG attorney – and, in many ways, a divorce feels no different. Right? You need legal advice, you go to the...
In some ways, a divorce is a divorce. Certainly, if we’re looking at things procedurally, one divorce doesn’t differ all that much from another, though there’s also no question that a military divorce involves considerations that civilian divorces don’t. Mostly, military divorces mean that there are categories of assets – BAH, SBP, TSP, the...
I see misinformation everywhere, almost every single day. It seems like, when it comes to legal advice, almost everyone thinks they know all the answers – and they’re comfortable enough to tell other people what they should do, too. The thing is, though, that they’re often wrong. Just today I saw some divorce coach on...
Specific military divorce information can be hard to come by – and, even worse, what you can find is often conflicting or confusing. I’ve spent a lot of time lately writing about military divorce because I seem to keep meeting up with women who are confused about one part of military divorce or another. I...
Military 20/20/20 status is an incredible benefit for qualifying spouses, because it entitles you to permanent military healthcare. For many women, health care is one of the most important issues in a divorce – in no large part because, for non-20/20/20 spouses and literally any civilian, there is no way to qualify for permanent, lifetime...
You’ve been married a long time – at least 20 years – and your partner is in the military. How do you know if you qualify as one of the elusive 20/20/20 spouses? Goodness knows you can’t ask your husband, a JAG attorney, or really anyone associated with the military! What is a 20/20/20 spouse?...
Sometimes I think that the military loves mystery. That has to be the reason for all those annoying acronyms, right? TSP, BAH, PCS, LES – is it just fun for them? And then, rather than trying to explain to someone who might not know what they’re talking about, they just mix in the acronyms to...