Virginia Hybrid Property

Virginia Hybrid Property

In Virginia, we have three separate classifications for property: separate, marital, and hybrid.  How property is classified impacts how it will be divided in a divorce. Marital and separate property are clear; what is marital is divided in the divorce, and what is separate belongs to the party who separately owns it. Hybrid property, on...

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Virginia Separate and Pre-Marital Property

As much as we often try to keep things amicable in a divorce or custody case, there are some things that are fairly well established hard and fast rules.  Dividing the retirement, for example, and how to handle division of equity in the home – easy peasy. Some of the more complicated issues are usually...

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Pre-Marital Property in Virginia

The general wisdom seems to be that, if you bring property into a marriage, you should protect it with a prenuptial agreement – or, even, by not getting married at all. I can’t tell you how many times someone has told me this.  That’s why it’s always a very good idea to talk to an...

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