Child Support for Unborn Babies in Virginia

Child Support for Unborn Babies in Virginia

  The expenses related to a child don’t start accruing once the baby has been born; no, as you are no doubt already aware, they start piling up from the moment you find out that you’re expecting. If you and your child’s father are heading towards a separation or divorce, or you aren’t together and...

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Pregnant and Expecting – a Virginia Divorce

Pregnancy can be wonderful, but it can also be really challenging – especially if you’re also starting to think that your marriage may not last past (or even up until) the birth. Expecting women are particularly vulnerable, especially if you’re currently unemployed, because childbirth is both personally and professionally complicated. Not only that, but caring...

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It happens, probably more frequently than you’d realize. And, though it sounds a little scandalous on its face, in my experience, that’s almost never the case. In most of the cases that I’ve seen where a wife gets pregnant with a baby that is not her husband’s, it’s after a period of long estrangement where...

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What if I get pregnant before I’m divorced?

I get it. Things don’t always work out exactly like we planned. Sometimes, unplanned things can pop up, and can complicate things in ways that we never anticipated. When it comes to babies and divorce, well, it sometimes happens. I don’t need to tell you it’s probably not ideal timing. But it’s a baby, and...

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Virginia Divorce… And I’m Pregnant

Congratulations! You’re expecting! Having been there not too long ago myself, I remember how amazing pregnancy is. (Trust me: when it’s over, you’ll remember it being amazing. You won’t remember the morning sickness, the breathlessness, the insomnia, or any of the other negative side effects of pregnancy.) Having a baby is so exciting! But…if you’re...

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